Saturday, 11 January 2025

The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine

 When Wassand Estate cut down the pine trees at the top of Wassand Wood in about 2013 for timber, for some reason they left a few still standing. The row of tall pines that run alongside the start of the woodland walk to the hide are pretty well known and photographed, but there is a single pine tree about 100 yards away. Why did they leave just one standing on its own I wonder?

The Lonesome Pine
The other pines

The expected winter flooded footpaths arrived, making wellies an absolute must to get anywhere at the Mere without soggy feet. 

A few Redwings are being seen along the south side of the Mere. There are usually quite a few in the wood through winter but the ones and twos through the fields are very welcome sights.


The wintering Barnacle Geese are also making themselves heard in the mornings with their familiar "barking dogs" calls. Three Roe Deer browsing nearby made for a pleasant early morning sight.

Roe Deer, making sure I keep my distance
Roe Deer and Barnacle Geese

There was a run of beautiful sunrises through past week until the cold weather cut through. Such wonderful natural sights make walking along the sea front a real pleasure.

The start of another great day here on the east coast

A pair of Egyptian Geese were on KP regularly in December and they continue to show themselves into the new year. 

Egyptian Geese

Without further ado we are up to date with just this morning's walk to cover. It was a good one too - through Rolston to the cliffs and then the sea front. A morning list of Barn Owl, Little Egret, Snipe, Golden Plover and Stonechat was pleasing to say the least.

Barn Owl seen through the trees
A frosty teasel head
Little Egret

Golden Plover (51 seen in the fields)
Pair of Stonechats
Male Stonechat
Female Stonechat

Along the sea front at least three Turnstone were joined by a Purple Sandpiper and later by a single Sanderling.

Purple Sandpiper

"The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine" is a song from 1913. 

Please note that despite some doubts to the contrary, I wasn't around at the time, but I do remember it from a Laurel and Hardy film 😂😂

Friday, 3 January 2025

A Brand New Year Begins with Orkestrel Manoeuvers

 2025 is off and running with a winter-like cold snap. Stay warm everyone and enjoy the cold 🤣

A kestrel landed in a tree near the Mere and it took some very slow manoeuvering to get in a position where twigs weren't in the way of a good photo...

Better, but can't help the shadows
Not yet
That's the one

 I was pleased with these photos taken in good light after getting photos of kestrel a couple of days before in poor conditions.

Kestrel in not-so-good light

After a few gloomy days it was good to have the sun back, it makes all the difference to wildlife photos.

Female Reed Bunting

Nuthatch and Green Woodpecker have been lingering around the wood and Weatherhill and I've seen them quite often, although I've heard their calls more often than I've seen them. I always try and get some photos but sometimes they are just too far away - especially the Nuthatch. Here are some recent attempts.

Nuthatch in Wassand Wood
Nuthatch this morning

By the way, Nuthatch is very seldom seen here abouts, hence the attempts to get photos. I don't know why they aren't more numerous locally but our nearest regular spot for them is Beverley westwood.

The Green Woodpecker showed itself again today and it was the closest I've had it. Still not really close but getting there.

Green Woodpecker this morning

As I was heading home the Green Woodpecker flew over me going west, but with the bridge camera by the time I'd got it ready and trained on the bird it was well past me. It was calling really loudly and although I had several seconds warning of its approach from behind me, it still took too long to get the camera ready to use. I knew this was the main drawback of replacing the DSLR with a bridge, but at least I can carry it on my walks without too much effort 👍

At the end of Southorpe, a Buzzard landed in the field for a short while before the corvids moved it on.

Common Buzzard at Southorpe

Saturday, 28 December 2024

End Of Year Round Up

 At this time of year it is traditional to look back over the whole year and remember the best bits. Here they are then from January to November - hopefully you can remember December 🤣


January - frozen Mere; Golden Plovers; Redshank and Sanderling; Sanderling

January 2024

February - Short-eared Owl; Snowdrops; Stonechat

February 2024

March - Great White Egret; Roe Deer; Barn Owl; Common Buzzard; Smooth Newt, Marsh Harrier

March 2024

April - White Wagtail; Brown Hare; Orange Tip; Roebuck; Egyptian Goose; Beefly; 7 Spot Ladybird on Bluebell

April 2024

May - Common Sandpiper; Holly Blue; Hobby; Marsh Cinquefoil; Roe Deer swimming; Speckled Wood; Nettle Weevil;  Purple Sandpiper

May 2024

June - Giant Hogweed; White Ermine moth; Pyramidal Orchid; Great Spotted Woodpecker juv; Reed Bunting; Large Skipper; Sedge Warbler; Whitethroat

June 2024

July - Gatekeeper; Common Tern and juv; Pheasant and juv

July 2024

August - Roesel's Bush Cricker; Common Darter; Diving Beetle; Common Tern juv; Turnstone in remnants of breeding plumage

August 2024

September - Chiff Chaff; Common Scoters; Greenshank; Large Red Underwing; Sparrowhawk; Hoopoe

September 2024

October - Greenfinch; Grey Squirrel; Lapwing; Wrinkled Peach; Whooper Swans, Stonechat

October 2024

November - Bullfinch; Little Egret; Redwing; Whooper Swan juv; Treecreeper

November 2024

Just in case December is still a bit of a blur for you, here are some reminders and some unpublished December images.

December - sun rise; Cold Moon; Moorhen; Long-tailed Duck; Grey Seal

That's all folks. 

Have a healthy and happy New Year and I'll see you on the other side of the celebrations.
