Just for a change I thought I'd walk down to the Mere 😂
The sky was as grey as Gandalf and the south westerly wind was decidely chilly as I strode off from home. Two minutes out and I was already wishing I'd made the switch from shorts to long trousers. It's too soon yet though - another few weeks before I have to hang up my shorts?!
I've been going down to the sea front first over the past 3 weeks, but today I reckoned it may be a tad too cool so I made for The Mere straight away. Bad choice as the gates to KP were still locked at 08:00. Off to the south side then.
The first thing I noticed was the hundreds of hirundines over the Mere. Mainly Swallows and House Martins but a fair number of Sand Martins too. Estimate between 1,500 and 2,000 but probably more.
I met JL in 2nd field and we had a brief chat about the cool weather and other important stuff. I carried on as I was getting a bit cold.
Willow Warblers were singing away in the willows on my way to the hide and Long-tailed Tits were also noisily busy in the hedgerows.
As I entered the hide I saw a Little Egret feeding right in front of the hide. No chance of opening the windows so I took a few hurried photos before I was spotted.
All too soon I was seen and the Egret legged it, well winged it actually.
Arse end of a Little Egret |
No Marsh Harriers about but the Great White Egret was still present, over by the western reed bed. Those reeds must be going for a world record height...
Great White Egret from Wassand hide |
On the way back from the hide I spent a long time in the wood looking for Treecreeper. A good sized group of tits came through with all 4 common species but the hoped-for TC wasn't following in their wake as they usually do.
The set aside field has been sown with wild flowers and is looking great with colourful flowers still showing even though summer is long gone now. Linnet (c.30) and Reed Buntings (c.15) were feeding contentedly in among the plants.
Set aside |
Reed Bunting eating the fruits of set aside |
I didn't have time to re-visit KP so will have to go this afternoon instead.