Tuesday 26 September 2023

South Side Rooks and Roe

 As I was walking past Weatherhill this morning I saw several Rooks fly by with something large in their beaks. Closer examination revealed them to be pine cones. I know that Rooks stash acorns in the same way that Jays do but I've never seen or heard of them stashing pine cones.

A bit of research later I found that they do indeed eat and store pine cones through winter! Who knew? Well certainly not me until now.

I followed the birds to the source of their food and took a few pics.

Rook with pine cone
Rook landing in pine tree
Rook plucking a pine cone
as above

By the gate from the track to Weatherhill I met a Roe deer that stared at me for a while then ran towards the wire fence. Rather than elegantly leaping the fence and disappearing as they usually do, this one stopped, looked at me then tried an almost standing jump over the fence. Lucky it wasn't barbed wire as it bounced off the top wire and landed where it came from.

A bemused Roe deer

It ran off looking no worse for its fall from grace.

The set aside sunflowers are providing seeds galore for the birds, with some of them already nearly stripped of their seeds.

Along the hedgerow nearby I counted 5 Chiffchaffs as they flew from an elderflower bush. I'd already heard 4 Chiffies singing as I went past the wood.


Sunday 24 September 2023

Bonxies, Terns and Divers off Hornsea Beach

 A dull day was made immeasurably brighter with the sighting of a few, sometimes distant, birds. It's amazing what small things can do to lift your spirits 😂😂

Please note that although all the photos shown here were taken in full colour, you'll be struggling to see much colour. The birds seen were mainly black and white so that didn't help for a start!

Enough preamble, here are the images from this morning's walk along Hornsea sea front. I watched for ages as Bonxies chased terns in order to steal the fish they had caught, but failed to get any acceptable photos:

A Bonxie (Great Skua) looking for something to mug
As above
Bonxie going south
One of several Pied Wags on the beach
Red Throated Diver
Sandwich Tern
Sandwich Terns

Sandwich Terns and Common Terns on the beach

I could have seen even more birds had I undertaken a bit of sea watching, but I really do find it very difficult on two fronts, firstly I have to be stationary for long periods of time (very difficult for me) secondly the things I see are mostly difficult to identify - my bird id skills just aren't up to the job.

Having exhausted my sea watching patience I headed inland to the Mere, this time with my scope, intending to see a few ducks, ideally Pochard and Shoveler. Having got to the Mere and set up my scope on KP (Kirkholme Point) I was getting blown about by the strong southerly wind and was disappointed to see very few ducks indeed. A few tufteds, a few mallards, the usual mute swans but nothing else! Hang on, what's that...

Black-necked Grebe


I saw the BNG yesterday but only from a distance, today's view was much better. I took some video but the quality isn't particularly good, the bird actually shakes its leg in this short clip 😂

Friday 22 September 2023

Willow Emerald Damselflies at The Mere

 On the edge of Wassand Wood this morning I found at least 2 Willow Emerald damselflies. I've seen them before at the Mere, last year and earlier this year near the hide, but this time I managed some decent photos. They are stunningly beautiful creatures.

In the same area were several Common Darters and a few Migrant Hawkers. 

Common Darter

Summer isn't quite over yet with 3 Red Admirals and 2 Speckled Wood butterflies enjoying the morning sun.

Red Admiral
Speckled Wood

Over in first field I came across a Stonechat in the rough area by the fence. It was very active and flighty so I could get close for good photos, but these cropped images will do to record the sighting.

Stonechat in first field
Stonechat with food

I'll finish this short post with a general shot of the Mere, framed by reeds on the near (south) side, trees on the far (north) side and by hawthorns to the east and willows to the west.

Hornsea Mere - framed by reeds, trees, hawthorns and willows

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Hornsea Mere South Side

 I missed Southside Johnny (without The Asbury Dukes) this morning so I guessed he was seawatching.

In his absence nothing amazing turned up 😂 with highlights being:

40 of the 42 Barnacle Geese
3 Common Sandpiper flushed off second field edge
Great White Egret (landed in a tree at bottom of Wassand Wood and flew north west)
3 Jay
16 Linnet
Great White Egret near Decoy Channel
One of three Jays
Two of three Jays seen along the hedgerow this morning

I offer no apologies for posting so many Jay photos of questionable quality. Although I see and hear them most mornings on my walks, I seldom get to photograph them.