Friday, 7 March 2025

A Good Week

 Things are on the up! Warmer winds and lots of sun has even brought out a few insects, with my first bumble bee (unknown sp) and hoverfly seen briefly.

The hoverfly was, I think, Syrphus ribesii. The female has eyes set further apart than the male and has yellow femurs to the hind legs, which I think can just be seen in the photo.

Syrphus ribesii, female
 As we were driving towards Brandsburton yesterday I saw a white butterfly in Seaton! It was probably an Orange Tip given they are the first white butterfly to emerge, but I couldn't be sure.

Birds have been good with my first sightings of the year at the Mere for Red-legged Partridge, Chiffchaff, Whooper Swan and Oystercatcher. Nuthatch and Green Woodpecker have been quite regularly heard if not seen.

Two Red-legged Partridge were seen running up the field edge south of Heslop's - these are the first I've seen at the Mere for almost 18 months.

Two Red-legged Partridge
The Nuthatch is making itself heard most mornings but needs a bit of searching to locate. While I was following it yesterday morning three Great Spotted Woodpeckers flew in to the same tree and chased each other around for a while before flying off again. Spring is setting things moving alright.

Nuthatch in Wassand - looks like it's lying down 😂

Yellowhammers have been singing in the hedgerows and trees which is a sure sign that winter is on its way out. There are fewer than in previous years which unfortunately follows the downward trend for most birds, but it is still early and numbers may yet pick up.


Common Buzzards have been showing well too, along with Marsh Harriers, and I've seen at least one each morning for the last five days.

Common Buzzard

Long-tailed Tits are no longer in their large family groups and have separated to start forming pairs, although I had four squabbling over something in a tree that seemed to be drawing them in - probably something tasty.

Long-tailed Tits
I spotted a Barn Owl hunting along a field edge so to get a photo or two I managed to get into a position where it would hopefully fly past. It did eventually 😀

Barn Owl

 Chiffchaffs have been arriving this week and I heard my first one on Tuesday. Today I heard five and saw a couple of them. They will rapidly grow in numbers and counting them will be a challenge that I enjoy.

Chiffchaff singing
So much for the fauna, what about the flora?

Not much appearing yet apart from the obvious flowering "garden" plants such as crocus, daffodil and snowdrop which nicely brighten up the days, but a couple of Red Dead Nettles were a lovely surprise.

Red Dead Nettle

It's good to see the hawthorns showing signs of bursting into leaf, and once they start they take no time at all to turn the hedgerows green.

Hawthorn buds bursting into leaf
Although the next few days are looking a bit cooler than the last five, now that Spring has started in earnest it will continue apace. Lots to look forward to!!