A walk along the sea front and on to the north cliffs on a lovely morning was a splendid way to start the day.
As I set off along the sea front, just off shore at the southern end 9 Razorbills were feeding as the tide went out.
Juv Razorbill
Juv Razorbills off Hornsea
Further along the beach Sandwich Terns were resting and preening.
Sandwich Terns on north beach
I was after Wheatear as I had somehow failed to see one all through Spring so I aimed to put that right. Although an Americam Golden Plover had been sighted in the area that wasn't in my sights - good job as I'd have failed to see it anyway 😂
Not long after reaching the ploughed field, a couple of Wheatear flew in and then further along the field towards Atwick more were feeding around the pill box area. I saw at least 8, accompanied by Meadow Pipits that were also flying in.
Wheatear on the pill box
3 Wheatear
Wheatear and Meadow Pipit
Wheatear in the ploughed field
Along the hedgerow were a few Long-tailed Tits which are always nice to see.
Long-tailed Tit
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