The thermometer said it got down to -4 degreees last night, but it was only -1 as I stepped out of the house for my morning walk. The snow was looking pristine as no one had walked on it yet, but a few cars had driven down the roads of course.
The first wildlife of any note was a Woodcock that flew out of the trees as I walked on the road - I managed to get a very distant photo as it disappeared.
A speck of Woodcock
The sun peeping through trees
Approaching Wassand Wood
Two Roe Deer were mooching around the track from Weatherhill but they scarpered when they saw the shadowy figure of yours truly approaching.
Along the track I heard Siskins calling, but I wasn't prepared for the number I found. I watched and photographed them as they fed and preened in the birch, alder and ash and when they took off to fly into the wood they made a heck of racket. I estimate there were over 130 birds flying and calling.
Siskin - one of c.130+
Male Siskin
As I walked along the paths and tracks I'd seen lots of animal tracks. I saw even more as I went into the wood and more still when I came out of the wood and into the south side fields. I reckon there were at least 4 sets of Fox tracks along my 6 mile route and I found one perfect set of Stoat or Weasel tracks. Deer and Rabbit were the most common though.
I reached the hide after a very quiet walk along the woodland path - hardly a bird was singing or calling. I expected the Mere to be somewhat frozen, but it was almost covered in ice and snow with just a few areas still open for the ducks and gulls to use.
Panorama from the hide at Decoy
About 28 Teal here
Going back through the wood I came across a pair of Bullfinch which was nice as I don't often see them in the wood.
Female Bullfinch
Woodland Walk
A snowy umbelifer from last year
The south side footpath was also quiet until I got to second field, then I heard geese plus a few ducks calling. A gaggle of Barnacle Geese were over towards the north side on the ice. They took off and circled a while - I counted between 38 and 41 as they came over.
Barnacle Geese
Barnacles on ice
As I walked through second field I put up a Snipe, and as I got into first field I flushed another 5. Had I known they were there I wouldn't have disturbed them.
On the water Goldeneye and Scaup were the main draw, with no sight of the grebes that I hoped may be in view.
Female Goldeneye
Male Goldeneye
Three Scaup as usual
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