I wasn't far from home and my eyes had nearly opened, when I happened upon a brown hare. I was leaning on a gate, quietly meditating and thinking what a lovely day it was, when I saw it approaching. Panic - get camera out, be quiet, don't let it hear you...
Full frame, but just a little closer please
Nope. This is as close as I get.
The camera was in quiet mode but it still made the hare run
Have you ever noticed what big feet Brown Hares have?! They are gigantic - I wonder if Mountain hares have big feet too? They would be useful in snow.
The hare ran into the field edge so I shouldered my camera and set off along the road, only to see the little devil running off along the road in front of me. Big feet in evidence again, along with a good view of the hare's eyes that are set so that it has a 360 degree view of the world and can see approaching threats behind it as well as in front and the sides.
Mid air shot
Enough Eastern mysticism for one day - I carried on and wondered what else would turn up. I am still waiting for the first Cuckoo. Last year I only had 2 of them, one close to the Mere and the other towards Great Hatfield. We didn't hear one from the house which is the first year since we arrived we have missed out. Looks very much like this will be a second year of cuckoolessness.
Here are a couple of photos of Cuckoo at the Mere from 2015 and 2019.
2015 - May 19 right on the water's edge, 2nd field
2019 - 17 May on the fence at Snipe Ground (aka Heslop's)
This year is a good year for getting photos of singing birds. I have been lucky enough to see many birds in song and close enough to a lot of them to get images.
Today's singing Chaffinch
Yesterday's singing Lesser Whitethroat
Singing Sedge Warbler from a couple of days ago
Singing Meadow Pipit from early May
Singing Goldcrest from late April
At last the hide overlooking the Mere opened on Monday. I waited a few days for the probable inital rush of visitors to subside before I walked in early on to get a look from the viewing gallery. I didn't enter the hide as I reckon you get better views from the top. Not much there unfortunately for me, apart from a male Marsh Harrier dropping off nesting material.
Marsh Harrier with building material
The weather continues to be cool for mid May but I have transitioned into shorts at last. I have regretted this on a few occasions but I'll stick with them 🤣😎
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