* "Arc of a diver effortlessly..." Arc Of A Diver by Steve Winwood 1980
A walk around Ulrome and Barmston this morning was enjoyed in ideal conditions, warm, calm and dry. My two target birds were Grey Partridge and Ringed Plover, neither of which I have managed to see yet this year.
My musical inspiration was provided by a Red-throated Diver, seen just off the beach, that was feeding for about 20 minutes and showing very well. I watched it diving and the album title track of Steve Winwood's Arc Of A Diver came to mind as it gracefully and effortlessly disappeared under water.
Red-throated Diver looking good pre-dive
Arc of a diver
Also off shore were lots of auks again - primarily Razorbills. A few Sandwich Terns were feeding and being chased by gulls when they were successful at catching fish.
Sandwich Tern
a sea-going mugging in progress, but a lot to learn from skuas
One of many Razorbill
All the fields have been harvested now (apart from a single bean field - see 8 August post) and this makes it much easier to see the wildlife that otherwise would be obscurred from view. I was therefore happy to see target bird #1 - Grey Partridge in a stubble field.
Distant and cropped, but a Grey Partridge
The fields were playing host to lots of gulls as usual, including about 90 Common Gulls. They are a nice looking bird and much under valued.
Common Gull
Just off the beach the upturned basket that marks the end of the breakwater was graced with a Cormorant drying its wings. A classic pose 😀👍
A Cormorant drying out from too much beer last night
Along the beach the tide was going out so I checked along the tide line for my target bird #2 - Ringed Plover. I got 2 of them along with Sanderling, Turnstone and Dunlin so a good tally of birds for the morning in the end.
Ringed Plover on Ulrome beach
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