Another obscure music reference to ponder over and ignore at your leisure 😂
Roy Harper released his "The Unknown Soldier" album in 1980 and it featured a track called The Flycatcher, which of course came to mind as I watched one, maybe two, Spotted Flycatchers over in Wassand a few days ago.
It's a good album with David Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame on guitar along with Harper, who also duetted on "You" with Kate Bush on the album. It's worth looking up on YouTube if you've nowt better to do.
This image and those below - Spotted Flycatcher at Wassand
This image and those above - Spotted Flycatcher at Wassand
As I walked along to Wassand I watched a Red-legged Partridge for a while. We don't have as many around Hornsea as there used to be which is strange given how many RLP farms there are nearby. Surely a few must escape their clutches?!?
Red-legged Partridge
I really, really must make an effort to keep up with posts on here as I get behind so quickly and time marches on. However, there are only so many hours in the day to devote to such things, and it takes a fair old while to process the photos taken each day of birds, mammals, insects, flowers and basically anything else that catches my eye.
A Common Spotted Orchid at long last at Wassand - 5 June is a bit late?
Common Spotted Orchid escaping the mower (for now)
I followed on with me old cock Linnet...
Common Tern
Common Tern
Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) near Weatherhill |
Yellowhammer in cheesy song
Dogwood - Wassand
Dogwood |
Common Carder Bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) on comfrey | |
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