Not so long ago a sighting of a Little Egret in Stream Dyke just down from the Mere would not have warranted a second glance.
These days though it's a different story. We have recorded smaller numbers of these birds at the Mere through 2024, probably due to the water level being kept very high so the water is too deep for them to feed easily at the water's edge. There are still sightings of course, just not as many as in previous years, and they don't drop in to stay and forage as often as they used to.
Little Egret in Stream Dyke this morning
I was down at the sea front this morning as the sun is rising later and later (for another 20 days or so anyway) so it's much easier to get there before sunrise. The light was gradually improving as I looked over towards Flamborough Head.
Flamborough Head lighthouse just visible in the half light
The early morning light is wonderfu and there are so many lovely sights to see as you walk along the promenade.
Cow Parsley seed head
The sun well past the horizon |
A Turnstone coming in to feed
Purple Sandpiper
I expect to see Turnstones, Purple Sandpiper and Sanderling along Hornsea sea front but Dunlin is less common.
Dunlin with three Sanderling on the beach
Even less common is Oystercatcher. We see more of these birds at the Mere during the breeding season than we do on the beach or on the grass just by the prom through the rest of the year.
Oystercatcher through the breakwater window 😀
A walk through Goxhill the other day was a nice change from my usual patch walk. I didn't see anything unusual or note worthy but a Grey Heron perched in a tree gave a passable silhouette.
Grey Heron profile
The small church at Goxhill is very picturesque and made a pleasing well-lit subject, given the dark clouds behind it.
The Long-tailed Duck that arrived a few days ago is still here and is seen most days now. Hopefully it will be here through winter as we usually get one that hangs around that long.
Long-tailed Duck with Goldeneye
Long-tailed Duck with more Goldeneye
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