When Wassand Estate cut down the pine trees at the top of Wassand Wood in about 2013 for timber, for some reason they left a few still standing. The row of tall pines that run alongside the start of the woodland walk to the hide are pretty well known and photographed, but there is a single pine tree about 100 yards away. Why did they leave just one standing on its own I wonder?
The Lonesome Pine
The other pines
The expected winter flooded footpaths arrived, making wellies an absolute must to get anywhere at the Mere without soggy feet.
A few Redwings are being seen along the south side of the Mere. There are usually quite a few in the wood through winter but the ones and twos through the fields are very welcome sights.
Redwing |
The wintering Barnacle Geese are also making themselves heard in the mornings with their familiar "barking dogs" calls. Three Roe Deer browsing nearby made for a pleasant early morning sight.
Roe Deer, making sure I keep my distance
Roe Deer and Barnacle Geese
There was a run of beautiful sunrises through past week until the cold weather cut through. Such wonderful natural sights make walking along the sea front a real pleasure.
The start of another great day here on the east coast
A pair of Egyptian Geese were on KP regularly in December and they continue to show themselves into the new year.
Egyptian Geese
Without further ado we are up to date with just this morning's walk to cover. It was a good one too - through Rolston to the cliffs and then the sea front. A morning list of Barn Owl, Little Egret, Snipe, Golden Plover and Stonechat was pleasing to say the least.
Barn Owl seen through the trees
A frosty teasel head
Greenfinch |
Little Egret |

Golden Plover (51 seen in the fields)
Pair of Stonechats
Male Stonechat
Female Stonechat
Along the sea front at least three Turnstone were joined by a Purple Sandpiper and later by a single Sanderling.
Purple Sandpiper
"The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine" is a song from 1913.
Please note that despite some doubts to the contrary, I wasn't around at the time, but I do remember it from a Laurel and Hardy film 😂😂
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