* Enter Sandman from "Metallica" by Metallica in 1991
According to my records this is my first record of Sanderling on Hornsea beach in September for 4 years. I'm not saying there haven't been Sanderlings on the beach in September, just that I haven't seen them.
Exit light, enter night, grain of sand...
Three pics of a single Sanderling this morning
Not much visible from the promenade this morning, but I did see a Great Black-backed Gull munching on what looked like a Guillemot.
Last Tuesday morning there was a flurry of sightings for about 15 mins while I was chatting to Jon and Mark who were sea watching, including a flock of about 30 Common Scoter and a few Teal close enough for a photo or two.
30-ish Common Scoter and 8 Teal going north
I wandered over to the Mere to see if anything had appeared and a few Dunlin and Redshank had dropped in. I saw a Redshank on first field edge and another 12 going east but didn't get any Dunlin today.
12 Redshank over the Mere going east
As well as a Sanderling coming in early, the Barnacle Goose herd that over-winters at the Mere arrived a few days ago too and settled in on the one field that had been harvested. Another crop field has been harvested since so they will have a bit of choice now.
Barnacle Geese at the Mere |
A few butterflies were flying around the long grass including this Common Blue, a bit faded and worn but still a beautiful looking thing.
Common Blue
There was a bit of an autumnal feeling to this morning, so if this alleged heat wave materialises next week it will be welcomed with open arms by yours truly, as it means I can keep my shorts on for a while longer 😂
Looking back on this blog entry it looks a bit grey and dull, so here's a splash of colour to finish with. The set aside field is looking good and although there are nowhere near as many sunflowers as last year, there are a few to brighten things up.
Sunflower in the set aside field - with a bumble bee too
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