Friday 4 October 2024

Autumn Is Here

 Autumn felt as though it had arrived this morning as I walked through the fields with a slight ground mist swirling around the sheep; dew was hanging heavily on the grass stems, bending them over with the weight; most impressive of all was the gorgeous blue sky, with a wide vista filled with the sight and sound of passing Pink-footed Geese. I just love Autumn!

A deep blue sky
A little ground mist
Dew on the grass
Not much Autumn colour in the trees yet

I found a little piece of Autumnal colour
Pink-footed Geese in a clear blue sky

The hawthorns and dog roses are stacked with berries and hips all waiting for the first winter thrushes to arrive, or the Starling flocks, whichever find them first.

Hawthorn berries
Rose hips
It really was a beautiful morning and the wonderful light made almost everything look great - even a beady-eyed Rook looked good 😉

A few passage migrants were found in the first field reedbed, a Whinchat and two Stonechats. I missed a Redstart that had been seen earlier.


Yesterday I walked down to Rolston to try and get a Yellow-browed Warbler, which I did and I had reasonable views, but no photos worth adding here I'm afraid. A few photos were taken of other suff though...

A late blooming Marsh Marigold
A charming flock of Goldfinches on teasels
Two Kestrels were being mobbed by corvids

To finish this update, I found a pair of Common Scoter on Wednesday morning just off second field. The light was very poor but the birds are at least recognisable.

Pair of Common Scoter on the Mere

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