Sunday 2 February 2020

Green Woodpecker at Wassand

February to date - 11 miles
Year to date - 179 miles

The last 2 mornings I've been tracking Green Woodpeckers around the wood trying to get decent photos of this locally elusive species. There is a pair in the I've got distant shots in the past but it would be better to have some better images.

As I stood waiting for the bird to approach the mature trees I was standing near, a 'pecker landed low down in the trees about 40 yards away! Of course there were lots of twigs and branches between me and the bird:
Almost a good photo of Green Woodpecker
 I've had better photos of Cetti's Warbler 😂 and all those are rubbish too.

An hour later and the sun came out for a while which made finding the GW's easier, but didn't help photographing them at all.
Last one - there's always tomorrow
As I was wandering about the Great Spotted Woodpeckers were calling and drumming - probably 5 different individuals through the whole wood but it's hard to be certain.

The habitat looks pretty good for Lesser Spotted Woodpecker as there is a decent amount of dead wood, but given there are so few Lessers about in the country as a whole it is unlikely that they will turn up here. Unlikely, but not impossible.

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