No matter where I go I always sort of miss my daily walk along the Mere. Even if there is nothing special to see there is always something of interest, especially in summer. Birds may be either returning to where they came from after breeding or keeping their heads down during moult, but dragonflies, damselflies, grasshoppers, crickets, bees, flies, flowers and anything else can always catch my eye and keep me interested.
This week Roesel's cricket, long-winged conehead, Whinchat, hornet and a hornet look-alike, young birds and a few flowers have kept me busy.
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Whinchat in first field
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Roesel's Bush Cricket in Heslop's
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Long-winged Cone Head on the same fence post as Roesel's
Juv Reed Bunting in first field
Common Blue butterfly in Wassand
Hornet Hoverfly
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The real thing - Hornet eating a wasp
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14 grasshoppers in first field
Three species of grasshopper are in the above photo - Meadow Grasshopper, Lesser Marsh Grasshopper and Common Green Grasshopper.
Grey Tree Rat in Wassand
Coal Tit near Weatherhill
Migrant Hawker
Ruddy Darter
Also had Black-tailed Skimmer but no photo this time.
Juv Goldcrest in the wood
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Hoverfly - Tiger Marsh Fly (Heliophilus pendulus)
Kite-tailed robber fly eating a fly in Wassand
Common Sandpipers off second field
That wraps up another blog entry covering 6 days, which have been packed full of so much stuff I don't have time to cover it all properly. It's just so great being out for hours in the morning (and sometimes in the afternoon as well) enjoying the wildlife we have so close to us here in Hornsea. Enjoy it while you can folks - we are not helping our wildlife at all and it's disappearing fast 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
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