Well, that's a new sighting for me - a brown hare in Wassand Wood. I've seen them around the edges but not in the heart of the wood.
Brown Hare in Wassand Wood (Tra la la la la)
Treecreepers have been hard to see this month but I've now seen 2 in 3 days so things are looking up.
Treecreeper, also in Wassand Wood
I was watching a Purple Sandpiper feeding on a groyne and for some reason I thought of Treecreeper again. A little bit of tweaking and voila - a Purple Treecreeper 😂
Purple Treecreeper on the sea front 😉 |
A large flock of Siskin has been in the wood recently but only about 20 were there yesterday.
Siskin in Wassand
My favourite moment of the week was managing to get a reasonable image of a Woodcock in flight. Usually their russet rump is the view you get as they fly off, but this bird turned left after taking off, instead of flying straight ahead.
Woodcock, only just in the frame! |
This morning Stonechats (3) and Golden Plovers (36) were the best of the birds. Stonechats were there in Rolston and on South Cliffs, Golden Plovers were on the cliffs.
Rolston Stonechat
Golden Plovers on the cliffs
Golden Plover close up
Stonechat on the cliff top
And finally, it's good to see that the old countryside skills are being kept alive. Bugger the new fangled Scarecrow Festivals that every town, village, hamlet and house seems to have, let's hear it for the good old English scarecrow.
Scarecrow standing tall, with a bit of loose stuffing 🤣👍
No commentary necessary for the song link this time (if you're still struggling here's a clue)
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