Sunday 16 June 2024

Return Of The Giant Hogweed

 You've heard the song (if you haven't then please do check out the 1971 track by Genesis off Nursery Cryme on YouTube) now comes the reality. 

I found at least three Giant Hogweed plants pretty close together on private land here in Hornsea. They are near water so there is a risk that seeds could disperse over quite a distance if left unchecked. I'll try and find out who the land owner is and let them know that it's there.

Three Giant Hogweed plants

Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
It isn't dangerous per se but the sap can cause a nasty rash and/or blistering if touched. It's non-native, so it's an invasive species, from Southwest Asia. It was first brought to the UK in the 19th century as an ornamental specimen but, as these things do, it escaped and spread rapidly across the country. 
 This morning I came across a few young Whitethroats. I was alerted to them by the adult bird calling. I found the adult with food waiting for me to bugger off, so I left them to it.
Adult Whitethroat with food
A young Whitethroat waiting to be fed

Yesterday was notable for another close encounter with Brown Hares. I was kneeling down photographing a Barn Owl when I saw three hares heading towards me at a rate of knots. I switched focus to the lead hare and got a couple of shots before it thundered past me within touching distance. The second hare veered off and came to a stop to examine my credentails as a possible threat. This check returned a positive and it ran off followed by the third hare.

Approaching hare, number 1

Stationary hare number 2, checking me out

Receding hare line

Sedge Warblers have recommenced singing and are to be seen and heard almost everywhere it seems.
Sedge Warbler close up
Singing Sedgie

The weather in the mornings has been dire, no warmth in the sun at all and a cool wind from every quarter. Yesterday was better and I even saw two butterflies! A Speckled Wood and my first Meadow Brown of the year.

First Meadow Brown of 2024

The new garden is going to be great eventually. I put up the big new bird feeder a few days ago and already the local female Great Spotted Woodpecker has taken to it like a duck to water 😂

Over-engineered bird feeder

Female GSW

She came in to the feeder almost every half hour for a few days then she brought along a juvenile 'pecker.

Feeding time

Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker

Mother and young woodpecker

Also away from the Mere, I found a couple of Bee Orchids. Always nice to see Bee Orchids as they are scarce - not rare, but scarce.

Bee Orchids in Hornsea

1 comment:

  1. Love the new feeder pal, bee orchid is a fantastic find. Hope the landowner does something about the hogweed as it can get seriously out of control.
