I had a wonderful wander around Ulrome and Barmston Drain, edging towards Barmston this morning.
The weather was dry for the most part with a South-Westerly breeze which was a bit cool around my exposed legs (no pics thank goodness).
As usual when going to Ulrome I was hoping to see Grey Partridge, and I wasn't disappointed this time.
Lake Ulrome, as named by Mark Rf, wasn't as extensive as previously but was still a fair old size. One Dunlin and six Ringed Plover were in attendance.
Ringed Plovers
Dunlin |
Dunlin |
Ringed Plover
Two Ringed Plovers
A single Oystercatcher got up from about 50 yards north of the lake and flew west.
Oystercatcher |
There was a smaller pond in the field next to Lake Ulrome and two Shelduck were seen there along with four Mute Swans.
Shelduck flying north
Towards the end of the path to Barmston Drain I caught sight of a single Red-Legged Partridge
running away from me along the tyre tracks through the crop field. I
thought that was going to be it again, RL but GP for me this morning. I
needn't have worried though as about 300 yards further on along the
drain I flushed two Grey Partridge from the edge of the crop.
Walking along Barmston Drain a familiar sound alerted me to a warbler in the shrubs by the drain - a Blackcap no less.
Blackcap singing along Barmston Drain
There were plenty of Sand Martins around as they nest in small cliffs along Ulrome beach, and a few were taking the opportunity to have a rest on the wires over the fields where they were feeding over the barley.
Yellowhammers are always plentiful in the area - I saw and heard five this morning.
Yellowhammer |
I scanned the sea as I reached the coast to see what was passing, the answer was "not much" apart from three juvenile Gannets heading towards Bempton.
On the beach by the stone pier I saw a single Sanderling which, after a few minutes, was joined by others until there were five running along the sand, all looking particularly striking in their almost summer plumage.
Sanderlings on Ulrome beach
Sanderlings flying south
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