Wednesday 17 July 2024

Catch Up Time

 This is my first post for a while. I've been distracted by getting on with lots of jobs in the new house, so other things like enjoying myself have taken a back seat 😂

Nothing particularly new or exciting to report, but the sun has been seen locally apparently. No photographic evidence has been produced though so it's hard to verify.

Butterflies! I've seen 5 (five) species of butterfly today. 

Gatekeeper female and male
The female Gatekeeper is larger than the male so in the above photo the male is on the right facing right.
Small White
The missing photos are of a Speckled Wood, seen but not 'togged I'm afraid, and Meadow Brown which I didn't bother with.

Along the path to the hide a young Roe Deer wandered up to see if I was worth bothering with. Obviously not as it ran off back to its mum.
During my wander through Goxhill this morning I watched a Barn Owl hunting over the fields. It landed for a while on a dead tree.
Barn Owl
Among the numerous young birds now flying around I came across a small family of Pheasants. I saw the female first, keeping still in the long grass.
female Pheasant
 Then the whole family exploded into life and I didn't know where to point the camera 😀
female and young Pheasant
young Pheasant

On the water at the Mere there are lots and lots of Black-headed Gulls and quite a few juveniles mixed in with them. I watched (and heard!) one calling for food from the top of a buoy and a parent bird came along and satisfied its hunger.

juv Black-headed Gull
juv with adult
feeding time

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