Saturday 6 July 2024

Hey, You, Get Off My Perch

 A saunter along the sea front on a grey-ish morning was needing a bit of something to wake me up. A small encounter twixt a Black-headed Gull and a Sandwich Tern did the trick. Just a few minutes in duration but good to see something along there on a very quiet morning.

Sandwich Tern and Black-headed Gull

A sunnier morning followed the greyness and a few insects came out of their torpor long enough to bask in the sun. My first Common Darter of the year too 😀

Common Darter female

Red Admiral
 You can't beat a long straight walk every now and then and the Trans Pennine Trail provides that locally. Walk as far as you want but don't forget to allow time and energy for the return walk!

Rosebay Willow Herb along the TPT

Tree Sparrow along the TPT - locally scarce now
I don't come across as many Mistle Thrushes as I used to. Along with many other species unfortunately. All our wildlife is suffering while we continue as if everything is OK - and I include myself in that as I haven't got rid of my car, nor have I stopped using plastic in its many forms, and lots of other things that I should do I aren't. However, I do small things to help but without the farmers and economists and land owners getting their acts together, individually our actions are a drop in the ocean.

Distant Mistle Thrush

Great White Egret passing through over the Mere
Common Buzzard and Marsh Harrier

Common Buzzard and two Marsh Harriers

Close Encounters of the Raptor Kind

Common Buzzard and Marsh Harrier
Things were a bit distant but it looked like the male Marsh Harrier was seeing off the buzzard while a juvenile Marsh Harrier watched the action. Could be one of this year's young ones.

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