Tuesday 5 May 2020

Swifts and Swains, Leafy Lanes *

* by Amazing Blondel from Fantasia Lindum, 1971

The Swifts were flying pretty low this morning, feeding over the reed beds and trees. The easterly wind was chilly but the sun was shining and I was enjoying the fantastic sight of over 200 Swifts over The Mere. Sand Martins and Swallows were in there too but the spectacle was all about the Swifts today.
Swift over the Mere

Most photos were taken with the birds flying into the easterly wind. They weren't exactly stationary but they did fly a little slower (I think!)

Phew! A couple of hours well spent I reckon :)

Well - the Swifts are covered off, I don't intend to post photos of any local Swains mainly because I didn't come across any today,  but here's a leafy lane from this morning's walk at The Mere...
Leafy lane as per the song
Believe it or not, other stuff was showing today as well as the swifts. Blackcaps are singing their way into female blackcap hearts (avian swains)
Singing Blackcap
Starlings have been in a feeding frenzy, collecting food as fast as they can. There is a constant stream of Starlings to and from The Mere, and the same is happening over our house too. The recent rain has woken up a mass of insects.
Starling leaving with supplies
Mute Swans have paired up and are nesting at various locations around the water's edge.
Mute Swans
Common Terns have been arriving in small numbers. I saw 3 yesterday but just 1 today. It was perched on one of the buoys preening itself in the warm sun.
A distant Common Tern
I watched a Yellowhammer collecting pieces of grass for its nest. It looked comical when it turned to face me and it looked for all the world like it had a large, white moustache 😃
Can't stay I'm in a rush, so moustache


  1. Lovely photos! Nice to see Amazing Blondel referenced, too :)

    1. Thanks Jeff. I only know two people that had heard of Amazing Blondel before I told them about the group.
