Wednesday 1 July 2020

Blackwits Matter - this one certainly did to me

Blackwit - abbreviated form used to refer to a Black-tailed Godwit.

I've seen several Black-tailed Godwits around Hornsea in the 9 or so years we've been here but never one at the Mere before, so yesterday's bird was a new record for me. I could easily have missed it too.

I went over to Thornton to check out possible nesting activity on electricity pylons first thing, and planned to stay there all morning. However, lots of activity on the turf farm and on the lane I was walking along put paid to that, so I hurried back to the Mere to try and catch up with the Black-tailed Godwit that Jon had told me about on first field shoreline.

I was in luck for a change, the bird was still there, feeding along the shore.

Black-tailed Godwit on first field shore
I got a few decent photos before it moved out of sight, so I set off towards the gate into second field. As I was out of sight of the bird I didn't think I would disturb it, but maybe I did because I heard it call and it took off over the water.
Black-tailed Godwit calling
 I watched it and thought it was going to fly off west, as it initially turned that way and gained height.
Then it turned again towards the southern shore and landed out of sight back on first field shoreline.
Black-tailed Godwit inbound
 Great views of a smashing bird, hopefully to be repeated in the not too distant future.

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