June carried on its warm and sunny weather and lots of wildlife came out to enjoy it.
Brown Hare approaching |
Brown Hare stopped |
Brown Hare scarperring |
Down by the Mere I counted 5 Emporer dragonflies hawking for insects. My quest to get a decent in-flight shot of these lovely creatures continues.
Emporer dragonfly |
2 of 5 Emporer dragonflies |
My first Black-tailed Skimmer of the year appeared too:
Black-tailed Skimmer |
Lots of hirundines were feeding over the water, Sand Martins primarily, and they rested every now and then on the fence.
Sand Martins taking a breather |
Ringlet butterflies are flying along with Meadow Browns and lots of Common Blue Damselflies.
Ringlet |
Just walking along the footpaths through the meadows is a joy at this
time of year with lots of birds singing; butterflies, damselflies and
dragonflies providing splashes of colour; mammals from hares to otters
to search for. With more species still to come!
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