At last, this morning I got some half decent photos of the stoat that I've glimpsed a few times recently. I had been standing watching a likely place for a while when it popped its head up. Stems of undergrowth got in the way of a clean view for much of the time but I managed to focus on it every now and then.
Damn that twig
The large numbers of Coot, Wigeon, Pochard, Gadwall and Tufted Duck have left the Mere now but we still have several Coot, Pochard, Tufted Duck and Goldeneye left. The male Goldeneyes are busy displaying to mainly disinterested females.
Drake Goldeneye trying his best to impress
Goldeneye couple off to the pub instead
I didn't see the Red-crested Pochards this morning so they may have left. Here are two of my last pics of them from a few days ago.
Red-crested Pochards, incl a leucistic drake
Standard pair of RCP
The small groups of Long Tailed Tit seem to have broken up now and I see pairs of birds rather than several together. They will be nest building soon but I haven't managed to find one over here yet. Maybe this year?
Chiff Chaffs are arriving in dribs and drabs. I had 2 singing yesterday morning from Wassand Wood and there were 2 again this morning. No Photos from today but here's one from last week.
Chiff Chaff
Chiff Chaffs join our resident Cetti's Warblers in song at this time of year and it's a definite harbinger of Spring when you can hear the 2 together.
The Linnet flock is still making itself heard in the mornings in the hawthorns and tree tops but it is reduced to about 60 birds and decreasing with time. They will be fully dispersing shortly as they seek mates and leave for breeding grounds.
Linnets in the tree tops
Linnets in flight
Wild flowers are coming through in the fields and woods and I look forward to being able to get into Wassand wood once again soon. Until then I can check the fields to see what is growing and flowering.
Coltsfoot is an early bloomer
In days gone by Coltsfoot was used as a remedy for coughs and colds and I remember as a lad I used to buy Coltsfoot Rock from the sweet shop. Perhaps that was why I didn't get many ailments 😂 but it tasted rather nice if I remember correctly.
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