A pair of Kestrels have been regularly spotted recently, and were showing well a few days ago. Hopefully they are going to find a suitable nest site.
female Kestrel
Photographing wildlife is rewarding most of the time, whether the subject is static, as with flowers, fungi etc. or mobile creatures such as insects or mammals. Sometimes though you think you've got a good shot until you review it later and find something's up 😂
Close, but no coconut!
As I was watching a pleasantly quiet scene from the hide the other morning a droning whine gradually got louder until this small jet zoomed by just above tree top level. The peace and quiet shattered, the wildlife eventually settled down again. Why was that necessary?
RAF Embraer jet low fly by - grrrrrrr
Coots and Mute Swans are nest building but generally numbers of wildfowl are well down following their departure for their breeding grounds. A few Goldeneye, Tufted Duck and Gadwall are left but Spring and Summer at the Mere always seems empty without their presence.
One of the few Coot remaining at the Mere
Our pond at home is warming up and things are starting to be seen - yesterday's sightings were 4 Smooth Newts and a Great Diving Beetle. One of the female newts is looking like she may be laying eggs soon.
male Smooth Newt
Coming up to date, this morning's walk was mammal rich with 5 brown hares, a red fox, several grey squirrels and 2 roe deer. Yesterday and today I watched as the Lapwings drove off a Marsh Harrier. I thought the hares in the same field would scatter with the approaching harrier but they stayed put.
As I walked out of the Mere onto Hull Road I heard a woodpecker calling. It was in a tree by Fossdyke.
male Great Spotted Woodpecker
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