I watched a stoat run towards a tree in the wood and got the camera on it a second before it started climbing.
The tree it was zooming up was covered in ivy so it was easy for the stoat to climb, but not as easy to get a clear photo of it.
Just the very tip of its tail was showing for this one
A front paw and some of its body
Front and hind paws in view here
The black tip to the tail can be seen clearly
It disappeared for a few seconds as it neared the end of the ivy then I heard squealing and a grey squirrel ran out onto a branch to escape.
The intended prey - a grey squirrel
I hid near the bottom of the tree hoping to get some clear shots as the stoat came back down, but it was smarter than that. I watched as it ran along the network of branches in the canopy and it came back down another ivy-clad tree about 5 trees away from where I was waiting like a lemon 😂😂 I left the wood and set off back home having enjoyed a bit of excitement for the morning.
Over Heslop's a Sparrowhawk was drifting towards the wood.

Sparrowhawk |
Sparrowhawk |
We are getting close to the start of Spring now and with Great Spotted Woodpeckers drumming, Song Thrushes singing, Fieldfares in the fields, Blue Tits looking for a nest hole and Reed Buntings starting to sing, you can tell it's on its way.
Fieldfare |
Song Thrush
My first singing Reed Bunting of the year
Blue Tit house hunting
Earlier I'd watched a roe deer as it sauntered up to a fence and from a standing start effortlessly cleared the fence. Such agility and strength!
Roe deer clearing a fence so easily
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