An excellent morning! You can't beat a walk around your local patch on days like this.
The weather was dry and bright for a change so that was a wonderful start to the day, add to that a list of highlights like this along with the usual suspects:
Slavonian Grebe (thanks Jon)
Long-tailed Duck
2 Lesser Redpoll (we don't get them here y'know)
3 Brambling
Probable 2 Cattle Egret
11 Whooper Swans
Chiff Chaff
Woodcock (well OK that was this afternoon but it counts 😂)
Lesser Redpoll
2 Lesser Redpoll in set aside
As above but what a difference a few seconds makes
4 Whoopers over the Mere
2 Tree Sparrows in set aside (pretty scarce these days)
Sparrowhawk cleared out birds from set aside
One of 3 Brambling
2 of 3 Common Buzzard
Greenfinch on sunflower in set aside
Male Marsh Harrier
Common Buzzard from camera
Common Buzzard as above but cropped
NO!! Not that time of year yet!!!
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