Walking through first field along the Mere south side this morning I came across a Common Gull (aka Mew Gull) perched on a gate post. Very photogenic I thought, so I photo'd it 😀
My apologies to Aaron Copland who wrote the music to Fanfare For The Common Man in 1942, and to ELP who made it famous in 1977, for butchering the title somewhat.
Common Gull in First Field this morning
Pink Footed Geese are still flying over most mornings on their way from the Humber to feed further north. This skein of 67 birds went over the Mere heading north west-ish.
Pinkies |
Carrion Crows usually fly off when approached but this one seemed to be well settled and was still there when I walked on by.
Carrion Crow
For the past couple of years there has been a single Purple Sandpiper on the groynes at Hornsea beach. This year, all of a sudden 5 of them appeared which is just great.
2 of 5 Purple Sandpipers
Purple Sandpiper and Turnstone
While walking along the shore line of the Mere I came across a sort of snail graveyard among the detritus.
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Snail shells
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Great Pond Snail perhaps?
During my soggy walk yesterday morning (it rained all day practically) I saw a Brown Hare for the first time in ages. Good to know they are still around and it got me wishing for next spring! A long time to go before then, but at least it is something to look forward to on these wet and grey days.
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