Bird sightings worthy of note:
Wheatear (f)
Little Egret (3), Grey Heron (2)
Grasshopper Warbler, Whitethroat (5), Lesser Whitethroat (3)
Willow Warbler (2), Chiffchaff (6+), Blackcap (5), Sedge Warbler (7)
Cetti's Warbler (4)
Marsh Harrier (m), Buzzard
Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker (4)
numerous Swallow and Sand Martin over the Mere
Greenfinch (2)
Little Grebe
A msg from my personal Hornsea Mere RBA told me that there were 2 birds worth seeing on the north side, so as I was heading that way I was OK. 15 mins later as I was well along the north side, another alert told me the birds were now swimming briskly off 1st field towards the east end reed bed, Hey ho, what can you do 😎
Up on the footpath through the fields there were a few birds around incl. Linnet, Yellowhammer, Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat but the bird that excited me most there was a couple of Greenfinches. We have very few of these birds so it was great to see them.
Greenfinch |
White Dead Nettle |
Why is called dead? Well apparently this nettle doesn't sting you. A friend of mine didn't believe me so he tried it - and said it was true.
The light wasn't very good when I set off at 06:20 but it got better as the sun came out. A wren obligingly sat out and sang its loud song for me, so I checked the better light with a photo.
A noisy wren, nice song though |
Sedge Warbler |
As Swan Island hove into view Jon checked the Avocet was still present - it was. Distant but id-able.
Avocet - honest |
Into first field and a female Wheatear was feeding and doing its best to ignore me.
female Wheatear |
Spotted some tasty morsel... |
Success |
Well that was enjoyable, but back to reality after a wonderful walk in fine weather. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow morning.