All the watching and waiting has been worthwhile - this morning I managed to get decent photos of a Green Woodpecker at The Mere. I've had near misses in the past but this morning I heard a male yaffling and stood where I hoped a bird may appear.
Lo and behold a female flew in and landed on a nearby tree and listened for a while to the male. She obviously wasn't impressed because she flew off after a minute or so, but away from the male not towards him. Perhaps this was a ploy and she was just toying with him?
Female Green Woodpecker |
Meanwhile, in other news, a Kestrel landed on the owl box used by Stock Doves and Barn Owls last year. It evicted the Stock Doves that were there and had a good look inside. It was still in there when I left.
Kestrel lands on the nest box |
A Stock Dove leaves the scene |
The Kestrel enters... |
I met Jon on my way back and we had a brief chat - from a safe distance of course. A pair of Mute Swans flew over us. One of them helpfully bent its wing so I could get it in the photo.
Mute Swan being helpful |
After I left Jon, a Marsh Harrier came over. It was like the M62 round there this morning 😂
cream crown Marsh Harrier |
Then I watched a Reed Bunting singing away, probably bragging about his new yellow plumage addition. I can only think it had been feeding and pollen had transferred onto its face.
Reed Bunting with face paint |
Another cracking lockdown exercise walk around my local patch. I wonder what tomrrow will bring?
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